Monday, December 10, 2007

seven meatballs

Calorically speaking, I was very good today. I had seven meatballs, two chocolate candies, eight Chick-Fil-A nuggets, a thing of waffle fries and most of a lemonade today. Oh, and a pot of cole slaw and a red pill. But that was it. I got on the scale this evening and wouldn't you know I gained two pounds?! Life is so cruel sometimes.

Besides my "yay Kay" email this morning from the theatre in Texas, this Monday was pretty uneventful. At work, we had a brainstorming session about what kind of person they wanted to replace me and, as I walked that Green Mile back to my office I realized that I was, in fact, being replaced. Through no-one's fault, mind. It's just my time to rotate out. Still, being faced with the realization that you are dispensable is a hard pill to swallow.

Blogging notwithstanding, I've been sapped of the desire to write anything lately. I think it all started when I was reviewing/ editing my latest ten-minute jobby "Bad Joke" and realized it should be re-named "Bad Plot" or "Oh, Plot, Where Art Thou?" or "Searching for Bobby Plot". You know things have taken a turn for the desperate when your story features a giant, drunk mushroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Searching for Bobby plot?!" LMAO!!!!