Friday, September 28, 2007

best week ever!

First of all, like Smokey says "Don't be listening to me. You know I be high". That last entry? Straight diet pill. Anyway, I had the best week ever! It all started with the awesome news about my screenplay and just went from there. Actually, my screenplay was the only thing wonderful that happened to me, but it was so monumental that it overshadowed anything that would have sent me spiraling into a depression at any other time. I also began a new play tonight. It's a ten minute jobby. I'm pretty comfortable with the ten minute play format, mostly because I've got the attention span of a caffinated tse tse fly. I should finish my first full draft sometime tomorrow. I wrote out a partial draft today and will probably fall asleep at the keyboard editing.

Yessiree, I'm feeling pretty confident. Drinking a daiquiri and looking through my credits binder (the old three ring which holds most of my published work) and feeling pretty damned good. Maybe it's okay that I'm not a produced playwright or screenwriter whose scripts command millions of dollars. Like somebody once told me, I am happiest when I write. So maybe I should stop worrying about what others think of my writing or where it will someday take me. Maybe I should slap those blinders on and do what I've been called to: simply write.

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