Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tell DAG he needs to read my shit!

I've been struggling lately with feelings of inadequacy and battling with that nagging voice that says "You? A screenwriter? You're spinning your wheels, girl". It doesn't help that every time (no shit. Every-mickyfrickey-time )I read a question/ answer article about screenwriting, the answer is always "If you don't move to LA, you may as well be writing on Charmin and wiping your ass with it". Consequently, I'm taking the day off from work today. I just don't think I can go in without snapping on someone and far be it for me to be the angry black girl at work, you know? My plan for the day is to sit here in bed and finish up my first draft of "Lucas Donovan Forever"- formerly known as my inappropriate screenplay. I'm on page 82 now, so it's shaping up to be a 90 minute special. No worries. I'm stoked that it only took me about four months from idea to completed first draft. Four months sounds like a lot of time, but in retrospect, it took me a year to finish "Parks Street" and "Kelly's Haven" was actually written as a young adult manuscript when Jordan was still a nebulous idea floating around between heaven and earth (about eight years ago). Back in the day Harper Collins actually read (and passed) on "Kelly's Haven". I'm pretty sure I still have the letters from them. Never been so stoked to get a rejection! :-)

Quick updates: these new diet pills are a crock of shit. They make my teeth chatter and give me headaches and so far I haven't lost anything but $50 and a big hunk of dignity! :-) I'm reading "Women's Oral History of the 1950s" now and it's good stuff. Highly recommended for nerds the world over. My sister is moving to Los Angeles next month. I want the hookup with all the famous people she knows (yeah, she knows celebrities. That's just her), but I don't want to be an annoyance, you know? So I'm trying not to call her too much because I keep saying "Hook me up! Tell DAG he needs to read my shit! Gimme JK's phone number, yo!" I keep chickening out from writing or calling Flava Unit. Maybe I'm afraid of success. Am I sabotaging myself? I need a cup of tea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will soooo hook you up when I get there! No worries!