Saturday, September 1, 2007

everything's just wonderful

What a way to start off the month! It's hot outside, but not oppressively so. I'm still in my pink robe having breakfast tea and toast and watching my all-time favorite show "Leave it to Beaver". The show speaks to me because there's an innocence about it that can never be duplicated. If one were to attempt it, the end result would be more like taking the piss instead of paying homage. I haven't decided if I believe in reincarnation or not, but if I did, I think I lived in the 1950s and 1960s. Otherwise, why would I have this fascination with all things mid-century Americana? The clothes, the music, the culture...when I read about it, it's feels more like reminiscing through the pages of a yearbook than scholarly study. Do you believe in reincarnation? What/who/when were you?

Yesterday, I bought the 2008 Writer's Digest Writer's Market. I've been researching new script agencies and playhouses across the country, formulating a game plan for the next year. I may not reach my goal of securing an agent by year's end, but I did publish four times this year and, in 14 days, I'll know if I'm getting my first-ever stage play production. I need to learn to accept and appreciate the things I've already accomplished. My ultimate goal is to be able to walk into a theatre/turn on television and see my name in the credits and/or hear my words coming out of someone's mouth. That's it. Anything after that is gravy.

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