Thursday, September 13, 2007

gratitude and humility

I just inhaled a huge meal from McDonalds and now I've got McBrick in my stomach. My colon's gonna be churning and flipping itself inside out trying to clean out those nuggets and pies but damn! Today was a Mickey D's day, ya know? Plus, meat fries rock.

I've been thinking a lot about the "little things" lately and I believe the most powerful words in the English language are Thank You. Case in point: I'm at work now and although I have a healthy amount of tasks I could be working on, I'm not. And do you know why? Because the people for whom I would be doing said tasks never, ever say thank you. They are the people that say "That's great. Now, what about this...?" The situation reminds me of the Bible story where Jesus healed ten men and told them to go and proclaim the great work He'd performed. Well, nine of the men broke out and were never heard from again. Just one came back to thank Jesus for what he'd done (I can't remember how the story ends, though- I think Jesus promised him a window seat on the Heaven bus or something). There is such power in gratitude, just as there is in humility. Humility would have saved Britney Spears from showing her ass (and too much else) a few nights back. Humility would save a great many of us from those things we do in the dark that serve only to feed our precious but fragile egos. As a writer and somebody who wants to Make It in Hollywood, I have to have a healthy dose of "I'm the shit". But as a human being, it's always best to consider the feelings of others.

I was also hit by an overwhelming sense of gratitude today. I'm grateful that I don't have to worry (too much) about how to pay my bills. I'm grateful that wondering where my next meal is coming from only means Taco Cabana v/s the local hibachi place. For the most part, I don't have to wait until payday for things I want. I'm not boasting, but I feel the need to commit these feelings somewhere because at some point- probably tomorrow -I will blog about how I feel abandoned by God. I will moan about how I am unsure of what my path in life is and how it would suck big balls if my life were simply a cautionary tale to those with better cosmic fortune. I'll bitch about how I'm going to quit writing and I'll accuse Cameron Crowe of stealing (another) one of my story ideas.

That's right, Cameron. I put your shit out there. I'm glad "Elizabethtown" was a turd. The original story was much better. Ask me how I know.

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