Wednesday, September 19, 2007


First of all, if you haven't heard that new UGK/ Outkast joint, it's the shit. It's called "International Players Anthem" or something like that. Highly recommended. I love the video. The wedding singer guy looks like my uncle: he's got the oil-slick, black man hair piece that's a cross between a bob and a Caeser and his body is a perfectly round orb like those "Oh, you KNOW where I'm at!" thingies from the Boost mobile commercial.

Anyway, as the title suggests, I had a run-in today with two schadenfreundin. One I am convinced is a back-stabbing, opportunistic leach so I am keeping my distance. The other has insulted me and my writing on numerous occasions. She's getting her first paying gig and had the nerve to insinuate that the contests that I'm entering weren't on the same level because I wouldn't be paid for the performance. Excuse moi? Listen, I was paid for my writing back when her still-unfinished book was just a passing thought between jizz shots to her face. But, unlike the nutsack of many a stripper, I won't throw that in her face. Why remind her? I congratulated her because she deserved it. No matter how angry I get, we're all on this same path and anybody who takes a step forward deserves kudos.

My son just burned his monkey ass on hot pizza cheese. It's all I can do not to laugh. Serves him right for being so effing greedy.

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